Breakfast Time

Breakfast Time

For breakfast today I made Matzo Brei with Jerusalem matzos, Chinese mushrooms and a Russian egg. While cooking and eating this marvelous new dish, I watched an interview with America's…
What You Can Buy in Moscow

What You Can Buy in Moscow

Like all great minds, I had a dream... Well, I don't have a mind that great, so my dream was little - 20 centimeters, to be precise. In an old…
Why Wear Face Mask in Studio or for Standup?

Why Wear Face Mask in Studio or for Standup?

Have you noticed that television reporters doing lives from what seems to be a virus-free area and even announcers in studio wear face masks? How come this cameraman doesn't have…

Buckwheat vs. Toilet Paper

Buckwheat vs. Toilet Paper

Today I prepared a new dish for lunch: that rare stuff known in Russian as "Greek groats". Fried with mushrooms. Well, it is not Greek, of course. I'm kidding. The…
Moscow is Deceptively Quiet

Moscow is Deceptively Quiet

Today I had to break my self-imposed quarantine to buy some essentials, namely dog food for Laima and Cayenne pepper and Corona beer for myself, and had a chance to…
Edward Bernays, Father of Public Relations

Edward Bernays, Father of Public Relations

Back in 1990 I was attending a social meeting of some kind, organized by Harvard, in Cambridge, MA. In those years being Russian at Harvard was not too common and…
Frozen 2 Shopping

Frozen 2 Shopping

Everything is about Frozen 2 in Moscow stores these days...