![Breakfast Time](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/brei-6-400x280.jpg)
Breakfast Time
For breakfast today I made Matzo Brei with Jerusalem matzos, Chinese mushrooms and a Russian egg. While cooking and eating this marvelous new dish, I watched an interview with America's…
![What You Can Buy in Moscow](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/paella-panf-400x280.jpg)
What You Can Buy in Moscow
Like all great minds, I had a dream... Well, I don't have a mind that great, so my dream was little - 20 centimeters, to be precise. In an old…
![Why Wear Face Mask in Studio or for Standup?](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/WPRI-400x280.jpg)
Why Wear Face Mask in Studio or for Standup?
Have you noticed that television reporters doing lives from what seems to be a virus-free area and even announcers in studio wear face masks? How come this cameraman doesn't have…
https://youtu.be/nl8o9PsJPAQ https://youtu.be/6btQUn_NAcI
![Buckwheat vs. Toilet Paper](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/grechka-400x280.jpg)
Buckwheat vs. Toilet Paper
Today I prepared a new dish for lunch: that rare stuff known in Russian as "Greek groats". Fried with mushrooms. Well, it is not Greek, of course. I'm kidding. The…
![Moscow is Deceptively Quiet](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/moscow-toilet-paper-400x280.jpg)
Moscow is Deceptively Quiet
Today I had to break my self-imposed quarantine to buy some essentials, namely dog food for Laima and Cayenne pepper and Corona beer for myself, and had a chance to…
![Edward Bernays, Father of Public Relations](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Birnbaum_Gordon_Bernays_Fornia_Mrs._Coppicus_Amato_Botta_LOC-400x280.jpg)
Edward Bernays, Father of Public Relations
Back in 1990 I was attending a social meeting of some kind, organized by Harvard, in Cambridge, MA. In those years being Russian at Harvard was not too common and…
![Frozen 2 Shopping](https://newsbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/frozen2-feature-400x280.jpg)
Frozen 2 Shopping
Everything is about Frozen 2 in Moscow stores these days...