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¿Quién soy yo?
I didn’t borrow the tagline “A Blog for All and None” from “Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen” by Friedrich Nietzsche. Sheer coincidence. Great minds think alike. ROFLMAO.
The fact is that no one really needs my blog and nobody is going to read it – this is the second part of the tagline. On the other hand, the blog is available to English and Spanish readers and therefore it is accessible for all.
¿Quién soy yo? Soy newsbee.
A news bee, aka hoverfly, is an insect whose appearance in a house or around a person is supposed, in popular folklore, to indicate that news of some kind will soon arrive.
Strictly speaking, this is a not a news site. There are too many of them already, so it will be stupid to try and manage a news site these days. To run a “fake news” site? There are quite a few of those, too. No point at all.
So what?
The blog is just what a blog is supposed to be. Lots of photos of places and people that nobody cares about, lots of flashbacks from previous life that nobody cares about, and some silly news stories as well – anybody cares? Can’t do without them, can you?
You can write in English, Spanish or Russian